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Hangrywifey's Kitchen

Asian home kitchen in Porto

About Hangrywifey's Kitchen

From Hong Kong to Porto

Hangrywifey's Kitchen is a hobby-based project (turned side business) created by Rachel Lau Freeman in 2019.


Growing up in Hong Kong, Rachel was fortunate enough to sample several different cuisines and flavours. From Chinese to Western, street food to fine dining, she re-created them in her home kitchen for family and friends. 


Since moving to Porto in 2018, she began spending more time in the kitchen (especially during lockdowns) preparing different Asian foods that she craved. The idea of Hangrywifey's Kitchen sprouted. It began as home bakery, but grew to include pop-ups, workshops and special events.


July 2022 marked the unveiling of her unique supper club concept, dedicated to sharing her version of tasty Asian flavours with the Porto community.

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Supper Club

Great food, a chilled relaxing environment, new friends, good times...our supper club ticks all the boxes. 

Check out our monthly schedule and menus.

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Weekend brunch

What's better than spending part of your  weekend enjoying a nice brunch in a relaxing garden space?

Check out our monthly brunch schedule and menus.

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Want to learn Asian cooking from scratch? Sign up for a workshop!

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